Exciting Announcement: Introducing ArchiveHub Decomm Factory!

Are you prepared for the future of your legacy data? 🚀 With ArchiveHub Decomm Factory, you can bring down your current legacy costs by up to 10%. Yes, you read that right – double-digit savings on the horizon! 💰 How long will it take, you may wonder? With our streamlined process, you can expect an […]

Pain Points in SAP Archived Data Access and Retrieval

Data access and retrieval can be a pain point in SAP Data Archiving for several reasons. When data is archived, it is moved from the primary SAP database to an external storage system, which can make accessing and retrieving the data more challenging. Here are some detailed aspects of this issue: Slower access times: Accessing […]

Challenges in SAP Data Archiving

SAP Data Archiving is a process used to store and manage historical data in an SAP system, ensuring that the system runs efficiently and meets legal requirements for data retention. While data archiving has its benefits, there are also several pain points that organizations may face when implementing or maintaining this process: Complexity: SAP Data […]

SAP IQ for SAP ILM with Data Archiving

SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is a comprehensive solution for managing the entire data lifecycle within SAP environments. It allows organizations to define data retention rules, automate data archiving processes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. SAP IQ, a column-based, relational database management system (RDBMS), can be used in conjunction with SAP ILM to enhance […]

SAP ILM RW for Systems Decommissioning

One of the most significant challenges organizations face when decommissioning SAP systems is ensuring that legacy data remains accessible and compliant with data retention regulations. SAP Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) Retention Warehouse (RW) offers a comprehensive solution for managing data from decommissioned SAP systems, enabling organizations to maintain data access while reducing costs and complexity. […]

SAP Data Archiving in a Hybrid Cloud Environment

As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-based solutions to meet their IT infrastructure and application needs, many are also exploring the potential benefits of moving their SAP data archiving strategies to the cloud. Hybrid cloud environments, which combine the use of on-premise and cloud-based resources, offer organizations the flexibility and scalability required to manage their SAP data […]

Capacity Planning and Cost Management for SAP Data Archiving

Effective capacity planning and cost management are essential components of any successful SAP data archiving strategy. By accurately forecasting data growth, storage requirements, and associated costs, organizations can ensure that their archiving solutions are scalable, efficient, and cost-effective. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of capacity planning and cost management for SAP […]

SAP Data Archiving vs. Data Deletion: Understanding the Differences

Managing data in SAP systems effectively is crucial for maintaining optimal performance, reducing storage costs, and ensuring compliance with data retention regulations. Two common techniques used in SAP data management are data archiving and data deletion. While both approaches involve removing data from the active database, they differ significantly in terms of their processes, objectives, […]

Data Archiving and System Landscape Optimization (SLO)

Data archiving is an essential aspect of managing data within an SAP environment, helping organizations optimize system performance, reduce storage costs, and ensure compliance with data retention regulations. In addition to these benefits, data archiving can also play a crucial role in System Landscape Optimization (SLO) initiatives, enabling organizations to restructure and streamline their SAP […]

Data Extraction and Reporting: Accessing Archived SAP Data

SAP data archiving helps organizations optimize system performance, reduce storage costs, and maintain compliance with data retention regulations. However, it is crucial to ensure that archived data remains accessible for reporting, analysis, and other business purposes when needed. In this blog post, we will discuss how organizations can effectively extract and report on archived SAP […]